The user experience of your services is the foundation on which everything else is built.  When users have a difficult time or are unable to use your services, they often give up and you lose a user. This can be avoided by focusing on the user when you design your services. Users use and learn about your services in many places, for example:
  • Your web site
  • Your mobile app
  • Google, Bing and Yahoo search results
  • Facebook, Twitter and other social networks
  • Mobile devices that have a browser
All the places where a user learns about or uses your services is important, when designing your services.  You cannot control the user experience in all these places, but you can influence the user experience in many of them. Webtilling helps you create a positive user experience in the areas that you control and we help you positively influence those you cannot control.

Understand Your Users

We do this by going through a user centered design process, where we try to learn what user types you have.   For each user type we then try to answer these questions:
  • Who is your user?
  • What are your users tasks and goals?
  • How much do your users know about your service or similar services?
  • What functions does your user need?
  • What information does your users need?
  • What expectation does your user have?
  • How can the design of your service meet your users expectations?

Create a Design

There are some topics that must be addressed in every design, such as:
  • Navigation
  • Usability
  • Graphical Design
  • Branding
The result of the design process, usually consists of graphical mock ups and associated descriptions. There are usually multiple iterations on any design, as all involved parties help to improve it.


We then implement the necessary technology to make the design a reality. Our goal is to use as much exisiting software as possible to complete any project. This usually the most cost-effective approach. Once an implementation is in place, it is important to remember that performance is part of the usability of any site or app.


Once an implementation is in place, formal or informal usability testing, is employed to find trouble spots. There results of testing results in iterations on the design and implementation.


The great thing about any online service, is that we can use Analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of the service. Adjustments can then be made to the design and implementation and the adjustment can be evaluated based on Analytics data. The Analytics data is not limited to your web site or mobile app, we can find out how your site is performing on search engines or with search engine marketing. Iterations to improve the biggest trouble spots are vital to any successful service.